“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous 2 our liberties than standing armies. If the American ppl ever allow private banks 2 control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the ppl of all property till their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should b taken from the banks & restored 2 the ppl, 2 whom it prprly belongs."
- T. Jefferson
This site is dedicated to new survivalist and for anyone who can see where our country is headed!


I am not antigoverment, I am anti Badgoverment! chinasyndrome 2009.


Sic Vis Pacem Para bellum

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New year!

Happy New year to all of you! I hope the New year brings nothing but the best for all of us.Including a return to a free America. And do me a favor go here>>>

We have friends who can use our support in turn helping ourselves! Happy New Year all!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Anybody know what happened to Dragon?

Went to check out Dragon and while I was down his blog is gone? Anyone know why?


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Whats up with this?

I can't answer comments on my blogs or others that say publish instead of post? Merry Christmas to all of ya!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I hope all of you have Happy Holidays!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

In case you Need a reason to Prep!?

We have this.




This one.


and this.


Hard times.


Cali feeling it.


Worse than 08.


60% chance of Recession,ya reckon he meant Depression?


Bernanke helpless!


Anonymous to occupy Wallstreet,surround the Fed next?


Oh boy.


There is a huge Shit storm brewing.Please prepare yourself and those you care about! Off the charts natural disasters,out of control police state,no jobs even good folks may turn criminal to feed their family's,economy is going under.

Be Prepared!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mora knifes.

I just got my first Mora knife. Very sharp right of the box.Slices paper! I'm sure a few licks on a stone and will be perfect.Companion mg from sportsmans guide. $13.47 plus $5.49 shipping. If you can't afford an expensive knife or don't want to mess up your expensive bushcraft knife this is the one to get!

Handle feels very comfortable,carbon steel blade,I like carbon steel.yes it will rust and even with the advances in stainless in my mind nothing holds an edge like carbon.Cheap plastic sheath Cheap! But it holds knife tight and is better than nothing. I have some extra Kydex so I will make it a proper sheath!

More to come looong day!

Be Prepared!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

$2000 Gold?

Big whoop! What happened to all the big predictions like $10,000 an ounce.$100 an ounce Silver? Oooh the experts are freakin out. Pulling out charts and graphs and wave cycles.I think they don't have a clue. We are in uncharted waters now!

I wonder if the future will show we sailed through cleanly? Or if perhaps we were slammed in to the reef and sunk? Did we lose the ship and save the crew? Or did USS America go down with few survivors?

Be prepared!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Been busy!

Hi all! I've been busy on a couple of knife projects this weekend in between emergency calls. If you have to be stuck at home on call ya might as well be productive Huh?

One is a kukri I am modifying,it its name is Hackenstein,yeah I name all my guns n knives. One is a green river kit I screwed up the handles on a couple years ago. 2 are a couple of my own design out of hardware store steel to see if I like,if so I will reproduce in better quality steel.

Week end is almost over I hope yours is well!

Be Prepared!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Meteorites possible in Ohio..

You'all in Ohio look up. Its possible small meteorites are coming in!


If you have or care about gun rights,you should go to Free North Carolina and watch this.Do not tell me it cant happen here! If we do not stand tough,it will happen! Remember when Holder wanted to ban guns? Obama said he has no problem with hunting guns! Yeah thats what they told the Brits! No COMPROMISE!



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sucess good product at good price.

I finally found a good holster for my Kel-Tec pf-9. I love my little pf-9 9mm firepower in a package the size of most .25 or .380's.

For the last 3 years I either have it in my pocket or console of car.

It is an ultra light 14.6 oz with empty mag. 7 shot mag and 1 in chamber.So having it in back pocket is ok while fishing,walking,etc but not optimal for all situations.

I have looked long an hard for a good holster that I like. Everybody is going to IWB holsters. Inside waist band. I wanted a high ride out side mount belt ride.I do not like the pocket clips that are offered either.

Finally I found an outfit called The Holster Store. $25 and some change got me there Pro carry belt ride holster,black leather I guess you would call it a belt slide.It appears to be of good quality and HOLD on to your Hat it is Made in America.

China is a happy camper! Quick shipping too!I ordered it on Sat it was in mailbox today(wed).

You can reach them at WWW The Holster Store.com or 407-957-3006.

Disclaimer I am not associated with either Kel-Tec or The Holster Store other than satisfied customer of both.

Cheaper than Dirt came in today today too.Finally found the .45 165 grain Cor-Bon's 573 ft/lbs at the muzzle,1250 fps.There 230 grain are 461 at muzzle,950fps. I have had good luck with Cor-bon ammo if you try it make sure your gun is rated for +p...

Be Prepared!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Most of you know what a C.M.E. is if you don't read this.One more thing that could happen,don't know that it will but since we are preppers anyway,well cover your bases.


There are ways to protect your electronics from C.M.E.'s and E.M.P.'s.

Miles Stair walks you through some of it. Research it,come to your own conclusion.


Be Prepared!


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Band.

The night they drove ol Dixie down.

Be Prepared!


Bad Beef!!!!

Beef tainted with E.Coli


Please read and see if you bought any! Don't want any sick or dead friends!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saving FBI the trouble. My Preps this week end.

I ordered another 10 boxes of green tips,2 boxes 75 grain match Hornady, 2 boxes 7.62x54r,1 box. cor-bon 165 grain .45 hp,set of Hogue grips for p90 I may or may not own,Fobus holster for p90,finally found nice holster for pf-9,so I ordered it,ordered stock for Mosin - Nagant,picked up Gerber folding knife.Filling gas cans while gas is sorta down.

Re cleaning and oiling guns. Reorganizing ammo.Looking into caches nuff said on that.

Tomorrow I get started in on food.

People are being attacked at strangest places,just out having a good time and being attacked by human animals whose idea of a good time is smashing your head in. I don't go to the mailbox unarmed. Does this mean I can't be a victim,no but I don't plan to make it easy for them.

Situational awareness people,eyes wide open. Look around be aware of who is where. Don't let yourself be a victim! Most of these animals are cowards you fight back they will take off for easier pickings.

Be Prepared!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Debris shelter saves boy scout! Score one for bushcraft!

Lost scout builds debris shelter to survive cold Utah night. Young man paid attention to bush craft lesson,have you?


Canterbury shows one type.

M-40 shows several quick n easy shelters if its cold and your lost and tired you are not going to be building a home just something to keep you dry and warm with the least amount of energy expended!


Be Prepared!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Preppers Beware! Creekmore explains..


Have you all been buying the waterproof match safes in bulk again? Damn camping Terrorist outta be ashamed of yourselves!FBI.. Federal Bureau of Intimidation. Stupid Bas..... REALLY nothing else to do? And do not even post on here that well some of it is to protect us WHHAAHHH crap! If you were gonna instead look up sayings of Franklin,Benjamin and Jefferson,Thomas..

No one will Protect you except you!

Be Prepared!


Death from radiation ??

Funny after wondering about Fukoshima,Urban survival had this.


Scary business right there!

Be prepared!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oil spill,nuke melt down,money melt down.Great advice from Sixbears!

Anyone else wondering whats happened to the oil spill? Recon it just went away and all is well? Marine life is good and safe to eat?

Fuukedoshima, fell out of the news almost as quick as it made the news! Reckon its all good now? No ill winds blowing our way anymore? Speaking of FOOKOSHIMA ol Remus has something on it.


Debt downgrade smoundgrade as always it will hurt us little people,the Chosen few will make a bundle one way or another.

Ol Brother Sixbears took enuff time off from sailing to post this brilliant piece!
Hell in one post he said what I been trying to tell ya for a couple years,if you haven't read it,you should!


Be Prepared!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Time to step up prepping!

The latest debacle has me stepping up preps!

Funny we are the Greatest Super power in the World and yet life is so delicate.

Just think of one full day of no power in U.S.? One full week of no banks? One full day of law enforcement? One full day of no emergency services of any kind?

We have seen examples of Govt saving people!

This entire weekend had me thinking about preps.Sorting,double checking,making list,etc.No money to spare but that doesn't mean you can't do anything.

Check and see what you do have? Make list and prioritize,must have to survive,would like to have,very cool but not necessary for survival.

Attitude,not enough can be said about attitude. If you think you can survive,you probably can survive. If you think you are doomed,yep you are doomed.

Knowledge in my mind second to attitude only.The more you know the easier things will be.

Attitude + knowledge will pull you through better than a mountain of preps that you don't know what exactly to do with.

Balance. Balance is important,I have pointed out that I myself am prone to going overboard on guns,neglecting other preps.

Food,water,shelter,security. Big 4. If you haven't started yet,this is a good time to get started prices will be going up on everything.They already have went up but so called debt crisis will make it worse.

If you are new to prepping the good folks in my blog list can help you get started.

Be Prepared!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stop or I'll shoot! Step away from the raw milk!

It gets better and better! America the FREE is gone gone gone!

Be Prepared!


Friday, August 5, 2011

FRIDAY 8-5-11 U.S. credit downgraded!

Obama has done what no other enemy of America could do and in such a short time!



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

If you don't prep for God's sake read this!!

If you are not all ready a prepper/survivalist whichever term you prefer.You should go to Prison planet Now,Right now! If you think things are now fixed GO READ! The whole line up should make you start prepping right now.


There is just to much to link each item.Plus any news site you can read today will have more of the same.

Spending cuts? No, increased spending!Obama working UNDER THE RADAR on Gun CONTROL!


Once more GUNS an Ammo,food,ways to get food,supplies,camping gear,fishing gear,etc...

Be Prepared!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Prepping for political games...

I think the asshats will pull off some last minute deal raising the ceiling once again.
However in case they are willing to take the Partisan shit to the max,and not agreeing in time. I in my simple way recommend if ya got any spare cash,spend it on food,ways to get more,protection (guns ammo) what ever you can afford ball bats pepper spray spears per Riverwalker hell could improvise for free not good as a gun but better than nothing.Fuel,etc think of what you and yours gotta have in case they really do mess things up for a bit!

Every politician in office should be imprisoned for dereliction of duty at minimum Treason in reality!

Fasten your seat belts!If your prepped enjoy the ride!This is no game it could be very dangerous,all of ya watch out and take care of your selves!!

Be Prepared!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wanna win free stuff?

Go check out Pete at Patriots Against the NWO! Another contest with some good DVD's as prizes.Well worth yer time,me thinks!



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Damn SciFi Chick has a must read!

Read it here.


Sad times.Get ready people!You'all thought we were crazy,but each passing day sadly proves us right!

Be Prepared!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Gotta read blog.

If you haven't stopped by My adventures in Self Reliance.You should, disabled vet getting by on damn little money but does she cry about it Woe on to me? Hell no she figures out how to get things done.You folks making $40,000 - $50,000 and saying you can't afford to prep You really should check her out!Good read!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Polls.. please answer if you have time.

I have polls up on all three blogs,I would be obliged if you could answer! This one and Enemy of are simple.If the one on Minute man scares you don't answer,plus you will have to read scenario 2nd post down.CAUTION my other 2 blogs contain cussing sometimes at Masters Degree level!!!!

Thanks all!

Be Prepared!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blame it on Hermit Jim!

For those of ya who haven't had the pleasure of reading every bodys Buddy Hermit Jim you should.Jim keeps up with all the bad in the world but tends to focus on the good,which for a Doomer like me is refreshing I tend to get caught in all the bad news.


Today Jim had a cool post on the infamous Black Bart from the old west.It got me thinking about cap guns,cowboys n Injuns,tonka trucks and earth movers,cartoons,etc.My Dad was a hard working man I didn't get to play as often as my buddies,and as a kid I used to hate it.As a grown (overgrown) man I now appreciate all my Dad taught me,I have skills most of my buddies never will,I have a strong work ethic.But childhood hasn't been thought about for a long time.The gun fights were cool we stayed out until they threatened to pull switches off the tree.If it wasn't cowboys n indians,it was world war II. I had an Uncle and Grandad that had been at someplace called Kooreea but we were to little to know about the brave men dying at places like Chosin.We was always Sgt's with tough names like Mack and Joe or Charlie me I liked Rock remember Sgt Rock comic books.

Don't let your kids grow up to fast.Some folks seem to rush theirs.There is plenty of time for grown up things.

Enjoy their childhoods with them,I know ya work and get tired and have grown up things to think about and take care of,but enjoy your children while they still are.

Be Prepared!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Damn,get ready!

Heatwave still an issue. But I have really got that feeling again,get your gun/guns,ammo,food,and the rest of your preps ready. Have had two really hot days in the sun fixing a/c's and I am too tired to post a third.I got one up at Enemy and one at Minuteman.Check em out if ya want.

If not check these to see if you don't get that ol feelin if you don't already!



I still think its the long slow slide theory.But on any given day it could turn in to a mud slide.

Be Prepared!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heat wave threatens power grid!

Are you set up to cope if your power goes down during a massive 100 degree heat wave? Generator or battery powered fans?

For you folks with Ryobi cordless 18v tools they make a good little fan.I bought one for one of my maint guys for x-mas.The first one didn't work out of the box,second one is a champ 2sp and runs a long time on one battery.

I have seen 12v (car battery) models at Sportsmans guide and camping stores.Deep cycle 12v battery would be perfect. Generator and window a/c would be premo but out side of my budget at this time.

Homemade swamp cooler, fan blowing through wet towel or similar set up could get ya through short outage.Even a cool basement might be comfortable.

I am sure if ya think about you will come up with other ways.Options are good!

Be prepared!


Just remember a crisis is not the time to figure it out.

Heatwave worsens!

Indiana we are about to have a couple of real 100 degree days not heat index actual temps so index will be terrible.Hydrate,don't work to exhaustion,take cool down time outs,stay in the shade if possible.

Even hotter in some areas.Be Safe!!

Be Prepared!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heat wave Be careful out there people!

Heatwave all across the U.S.,high 90's here in Indy all week,heat Index over 100 degrees.Yesterday two counties including my own had power outage for almost 3 hrs.Totally amazed at how helpless some people are!One at my place went swimming,she left her keys at home and took her garage door opener.I came back from lunch and see her sitting in grass since I was back on the clock I ask if she is locked out of garage.

She says yes looking miserable.She ask how long power will be out? I say I am not sure.Let me get golfcart and I'll be back to let you in.I pull up and say let me in front door and I will pop manual release.I don't have my keys.Sooo I go to office to get her keys let her in.She could of got keys herself.Maybe the sun scrambled her brains.

My point is she sits down in the Sun not knowing what to do!These are the kind of people who will lay down and die.

Check in on older folks and make sure they are ok!Drink lots water and go at it easy.Take care of yourselves heat stroke is no joke!

Be Prepared!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Prepper Social Security?

I am a firm believer that Social Security will not be there for me when and if I get to retire.At one time I had a little gold and a good bit of silver well hard times hit and I sold it all plus several beloved firearms.

I have made up for the firearms. I have a 401k through work,I put in the max that they will match. I started saving copper penny's and nickels as some think they may be worth a little bit more than face due to metal content. Once I get caught up financially (if), I may pick a bit of silver again.

Mainly I am laying in food,guns,ammo,fishing equip,trapping supplies etc.seeds,grain,grinder,flour,rice,etc,several tents,several stoves,a good many knives (possibly a fetish)several old school hand tools,axes,water filters,etc.

Too bad there is no crystal ball to allow us to gaze in to the future.What sort of collapse may we be facing?

Death of the dollar seems very possible.Rioting if this happens for sure along with theft robbery etc.

Social Security and welfare type payments not being paid seems very possible as well.Sorry not lumping you retirees with welfare just meaning payments by Gov period.Nor do I mean welfare is bad in all cases.Now that that is cleared up.

Default by Govt would lead extreme to measures.Inflation is on the rise at least as far as what my dollar buys me Govt figures be damned. My paycheck even with a couple of small raises will not buy nearly as much as 2 yrs ago!

My Social Security plan is to get as much food and survival items purchased or made or traded for as quickly as possible.Barter items included some so called Survival experts say barter is a poor plan.Yet barter has been done since the time of man.Not my main plan but part of plan none the less. I have a box of .22 rounds to spare and you extra cooking oil we just might make a deal!

I have wandered around a bit Steaming hot day and very tired will probably come back to this subject.What is your Social Security plan?

Be Prepared!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A rehash for new preppers.

I have said this several times but will say once again.If there is some sort of collapse or even if you lose your job etc.

Most people thinking of hunting to get food.Depending on size of your family,we are one or two people shooting at game.Not the best odds,unless 1. you are a skilled hunter. 2.very lucky. 3 game is plentiful.

If you have a family or group to feed I think trapping and fishing are the way to go! Once traps and or lines are set by all means pick up your rifle or shotgun and take off.

Trapping,steel traps,snares,box-live traps,rat traps for squirrels.

Fishing,again I am not talking one or two people with a pole in their hands. I am talking set lines,trot lines,traps,jug lines,etc.

If any of these ideas are new to you,check out you tube almost all are covered.Watching a video or someone who knows how to set traps is always better than a book.Some instruction books make no sense at all.

Fur-fish-game used to have some great little booklets on trapping,tanning,woodslore,etc very cheap.Used book stores,or go on line and print em out.

It is hard to believe people actually starve in America with the abundance of game we have.

Now unless there is a collapse of some sort Remember there are laws (lots of laws) and license's required to hunt trap or fish in Amerika. And I would never advocate that you break laws.However if I had to feed my family and I could not afford license's welll my family would get fed!

Just some thoughts I will leave the research up to you!

Be Prepared!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Think food and no substitute for experience.

Most of ya know I am big on food and firearms. For the new preppers out there.If you have never gardened but think you have seeds put away and how hard can it be?

Well possibly real hard! Mother nature can be a cruel bitch.Then again with a little practice and if ol Ma nature smiles on ya, nothing to it. If at possible I say practice now.

The experience you gain could be invaluable. Same with canning,drying,fishing,hunting,trapping.

The heat of a crisis is not the time to learn from mistakes.And unless your name is Jesus you will make mistakes,and that's ok!

If you know how to trap,fish,hunt,forage wild edibles you will Never starve,at least if ya have a little gumption. Not as easy as popping something in the micro!

But I get real satisfaction from procuring,preparing and eating my own food.

Fresh caught crappie-catfish-bass fillets.Squirrel and gravy or rabbit and gravy.

If you have picked up a firearm for the collapse or whatever comes.If you are not familiar with said firearm you may have no defense.

I have a buddy who owns a mosin until we all went shooting and he seen me using stripper clips he thought you had to load it one at a time.Could you imagine that in the heat of a shoot out?

Practice.Practice,Practice until things become second nature.

Be Prepared!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I think I am back!

Sure as heck missed all of ya!I should be back to rambling on anytime time now.Whats on everybody's minds? Obummers done wonders since I have been away Huh? Yep economy just barely limping along.Well I gotta get caught up.Take care and I will talk with ya soon.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Computer is down.

Hey everybody my computer is down.I hope you all are doing well! Keep prepping.Cause you know we have no inflation oh yeah unless you buy gas or food but heck who's counting that.Take care folks!


Monday, April 18, 2011


$25 for a combo Hunting/Fishing license $17 for Trapping. No three way combo.Seriously $25 bucks to fish and hunt legally in Indiana.Plus special permits or stamps for deer,turkey,waterfowl.Also don't forget your trout or salmon stamps.Aren't trout and salmon fish?


Be Prepared! To pay the state that is!!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

If you knew the bottom was gonna fall out what would you get right now?

An exercise.Lets say some how you were prewarned tomorrow at 8:00 am the banks were shutting down,the dollar just became poor toilet paper.What you would you run out and get right now?Food? Ammo? Cooking oil? Clothes? Toilet paper? Medicine?Liquor + smokes? Gas? Tires?So much I would need.Been prepping but not ready for a shut down.What would you get?Don't be shy.I would really like to hear your thoughts.

Be Prepared!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Survival fishing

One of the blogs I read recently had a guest post on survival fishing. But they were discussing rod and reel fishing.As a survival plan this in my humble opinion is a poor plan. Possibly to feed yourself.However most of us will have more than just ourselves to feed.With a rod and reel you are covering one little area. What if the fish are not in that area,aren't in the mood for bait you are using,etc? While I like rod and reels and in fact have a bunch yeah one of my obsessions. If needing to feed many I would setting trot lines or some call them trout lines.Trot is correct but no matter. Trot lines are a long heavy main line 200 lb test or better with many dropper lines spaced a foot or so apart. Set lines are are just a heavy line tied to something so fish cant pull it in.Limb lines obvious line tied to limb.Yo yo's are a mechanical reel you tie to a limb or solid tie off it sets the hook and keeps tension on fish for you.If fishing a lake or pond jug lines old bleach,milk,laundry soap,pop,etc bottle with a drop line is tossed out.Large buoyant jug wears fish out.You row or wade out pulling up jug.

There are many ways to fish. Set traps be they hardware cloth (heavy mesh) live trap that fish swim in but can't get out.Setting conibear or similar type trap to actually slam shut on fish.

Bait can range from food you may have little pieces of bread or dough to catch minnows then put them on hooks to catch larger fish.You can catch grasshoppers and crickets.Many ways to catch them if not familiar Research it.Grubs can be dug up.Maggots from dead animals can be harvested,yuuck but we are talking survival here no time to be squeamish.Crawdads are prime bait for many fish.These can be hand caught,trapped,or use fishing pole.

Use your imagination so many ways to catch fish.I have barely scratched the surface.Water is not just for fish either! Crawdads,frogs,turtles,muskrats,beavers,nutria,snakes,geese,ducks.All can be found above or below the water.All are edible,some are actually top end eats.Yuummy.Fishing is not just a rod n reel.

Be Prepared!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Picked up at Blues blog.

Ladies and you kinder gentlemen who are offended by profanity please leave now and come back later.We love ya.But we are cursing and being profane. Blue has a post on that Rotten Bastard Harry Reid. Why are you folks voting for this rotten GODless man?This man Corrupted the Pledge of Allegiance.


Now to those who don't believe in God no big deal.And hey live like you want to live.But I do! I know some think the Pledge is a bad thing.But this is the flag of our Country,boys have died carrying the flag of this Country.

If you don't See how this shows the Evil in this man,well I won't try to explain it.But in case you missed it,check out short vid at Blues. Being a Vet I imagine Blue was probably more upset and hurt than me.And I did have steam and a string of profanities roll out that would of made a drunken sailor blush. People Reid and politicians like him are removing God Patriotism and Rights from our Country.They will sell us out to Soros and the U.N. when the blue helmets show up to enforce the NEW LAWS don't say you didn't know this was coming!

End of rant.

Dear GOD please help us Americans get through these bad times and bad people we are facing.Thank you Lord for everything you do for us!Amen.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Dinner with a ghost.

Got to spend a couple hours with a friend from down south the other evening.We have communicated before but never met mano a mano. Good man.Thinks a lot like me and many of you.Kind of fellow you would want on your side if bad shit was to go down.Very pleasant evening talking with him and his Mrs., quiet lady type who gets things done rather than talking much about it.Like you other ghost who read,observe,study,and plan to survive bad things coming.Picked up some good info!There are a lot of bad people in America right now.Fortunately there are many good folks like these. I pick friends very carefully because there are not many people I trust.Luckily most preppers are good people.I consider myself lucky to be amongst such a good community of people.

Speaking of good people Has anyone heard from Ken? Ken you ok Bro? Just computer trouble I hope,or busy with work maybe.Prayers are with ya Bro!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thunder in the valley .

What started out as a crappy rainy day turned in to a shootfest.Seven buddy's 20 long guns 13 assorted pistols.Enough ammo for several firefights.Good times for all involved.One buddy's family has acreage in the boonies with some bottoms with pretty high hills around.Found out Psl-54 is a real shooter and my ar is too.My Ak is now running smoothly but kicks like a damn mule.Both buddy's had Sks recoil not nearly as bad.Other Ak in group not as bad.Hell my Psl Dragunov knockoff in 7.62x54r doesn't kick as hard.One buddy thought I was being a wuss till he bruised his shoulder on 30 rounds.He was almost bleeding.

We broke in a new little shooter he's about 7 or 8 he got to shoot Springfield .22 singleshot bolt and Ruger Single six the boy was smiling like it was Christmas.Oh yeah he fired one round from Ar.We weren't sure if recoil would be to much.He begged to shoot sniper gun as he called it.He only tried it once. Nothing stupid like 12ga.I see a lot of people letting kids,women or first time shooters shoot something to big and brutal recoil turns them off of shooting.Stupid in my opinion.

I hope everybody has a great weekend!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Get your preps in order Ron Paul sez it has started.

I think it had already started.But for one from Washington to say it, Well hold on to your hat.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am back!

My computer has been down.Back up and running now.Should be posting soon.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Help! China needs advice.

I am looking for a really good hand powered grain grinder. I have been looking into Corona brand as they reasonable. However reports on them range from great to pure junk. I would like something in the Corona price range. As many know I subscribe to Bisons something is better than nothing plan,but at this time I would like to upgrade a little in this area.HELP if you have experience with Corona or another reasonable priced grinder fill me in.Thanks!

By the way if you haven't stopped by Bacon and eggs recently,you should.SciFiChick has great food storage plan. One years worth of food for $300 sounds like a plan. Check her out!


Be prepared!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crazy World.

Oil prices down cause of Japan crisis.Oil prices up cause of Japan crisis. Same with commodity's. Reactor problems under control. Reactors melting down the end is near.At this time I see no reason to freak out here in U.S. keep an eye on it but don't panic.

Have you noticed even the calm reserved Japanese people had runs on grocery stores? Lesson: be PREPPED. Have food and water.Water and food.

Now the American Govt is spanking the Japanese Govt on their handling of the crisis. Can you say Katrina. Something about glass houses.

Count on no one except yourself!

Be Prepared!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Warning on Iodide.

Do some research before you take any Iodide or Iodine products.Some types are poison and will kill you! Link to FAQ on Iodide at ki4u here.


Seriously don't use your water purification tablets or other forms,it is different and will poison you!

Be Prepared!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Info surviving Nuclear events.

This site has a lot of nuke info! Yes they sell stuff.But they also tell you other ways. If you are concerned,worth checking out!


Be Prepared!


Weakened magnetic field 2012


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Surprise regular unleaded $3.65 this morning!

I remember several articles saying oh dear gas is up .30 in two weeks! Well Holy Shiite Batman its up over .30 cents Overnight. And the band played on!

Be Prepared!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Global Rev sending oil UP!

If you haven't seen the news lately it looks like Saudi Arabi may be joining the oil producing Countries having turmoil which may jack up prices even more. And Kuwait may be joining in.If these two have revolutions Katy bar the door.Oil the chain and air up the tires on your bicycle!

Gas here was $3.48 - $3.55 yesterday. Cost me $50.01 to fill up my blazer and it wasn't even empty! Good tune up,checking air in tires,and filling back up at 3/4 of a tank to alleviate $50.01 fill ups will be the order of the day from here out!

Get your food,clothes,and anything else you've been planning on.Cause when gas goes up,everything goes up!

Good luck folks!

Be Prepared!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Happy Hope n Change.

I am really worried,I have noticed a big push by the Govt and MSM to convince us things are looking better. Yep by next year we will be back to normal. Really a couple of Govt economist and Warren Buffet say so! Jobs are gone and going at an incredible rate,Govt is broke,getting broker even while wasting more, dollar is dying,police state is growing by the day,crops are ruined,food prices up,gas prices up,unemployment up!

Guns,food,water,shelter,health. These are the basics of life. Everything else is gravy! Prepare while you can!

When they try that hard to convince us the gray sky is blue I worry!

Be Prepared!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Pete has another great giveaway!

Check out Pete Smith at Patriots against the NWO. You could win free stuff!



Thursday, February 17, 2011

The End.

Much discussion on the Collapse.Teotwawki,SHTF,etc.. Will the poles shift and Indiana is suddenly the bottom of the ocean? I don't know. Will a huge EMP take out the grid? Don't know. Will Terrorist blow up a Nuclear Reactor? Sorry don't know that one either. Will the U.S. dollar become worthless in the next year or two? Wish I knew. Is a huge quake gonna hit the New Madrid fault,destroying the mid west? Damn it people I am just a man,I don't know.

Are any of these plus some possible? You bet! On any given day.

Heat waves,flooding,extreme cold,brown outs,black outs etc. Oh yes these will happen. Prepping is a way to survive them.

You do want to survive! Right? Who doesn't? Hold up your hands. Um Huh yep we all want to survive. But some of us think the Govt be it local,state,or Feds will save us. In the most minor crisis they might.

I will not soon forget the faces from Katrina! People begging for water. Flooded city,water everywhere but none to drink.

The Govt was very slow to respond. Police were among the looters.Police were beating people.People were robbing and killing people. For some it was TEOTWAWKI, they were dead before FEMA and the troops got there.

How different their lives may have turned out if they had stored food,water or water treatment supplies,and guns or ways to defend themselves. Of course some had weapons,they were Confiscated from honest citizens! I am not going to go into my thoughts on that,I can tell you I will not be disarmed so easily!

So I have been creeping around the blogosphere listening to Doomers vs Non doomers, The Kool Aid drinkers vs The Non Kool Aid drinkers. Most of it is funny.

Will America go down. Honestly I don't know whats gonna happen,I know what I think might happen its not pretty. Refer to Katrina,Rodney King riots Etc. People in my or your area are no different than folks in New Orleans or anywhere else.

Some will lay down and die.Some will attempt to take what you have.Some will wait on the Govt. I with any luck at all,will not lay down and die or have to rob you or wait on the Govt. Because I did plan ahead. I did spend some of my money on guns food ammo filters tools and seeds traps etc etc instead of movies,cds,dinner out,the latest cool stuff.

Now does that mean I will survive a calamity? No it doesn't. I have a couple of really nasty scenarios in mind, but for those who are a little fragile let me say anything that ups my odds of Survival is Good!

On the other hand am I saying you have to do nothing but prep and live the DOOMER life as one person asked on another blog Hiding in a corner of your Doom Bunker? Nope. Use common sense! What would be the most possible scenario for your area? Here mine would be tornadoes,Freezing,heat waves,power outages,possible food shortages. Further down big quakes,Emp,etc..

Instead of laughing at doomers. I think one should be prepared for as many things as possible.Or not. Because just like during Katrina the Govt will be there to help you!!

Be Prepared!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Woods bums and River rats.

Any of ya who haven't checked out Riverwalker in last day or so better catch up! I often use a stick.But the brother has taken it to a new level.Check it out!



There it is!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Long term survival vs Emergency survival.

Long term survival is much different creature than a short term emergency. In fact many who think prepper/survivalist are crazy,have no problem with a few preps for emergencies. The last two winters have proven you would be silly not to prepare for winter storms etc!

I believe in preparedness of all sorts. Ok so now you are ready for a natural disaster,good for you!What if us crazy's who say the end is near are right? If you are right and nothing happens well nothing happens. But us crazy preppers, actually I like the old school term Survivalist cause God willing I want to Survive,prepper makes it sound like preparing but might not make it! Survivalist all ready see things happening.Do you? Have seen the police becoming militarized over the last few years Officer friendly no longer stops and talks to folks in his area,instead he is dressed in black military outfits often with name and/or badge hidden. The military is conducting training in mock residential areas,in a few cases real residential areas,but often with backlash from neighbors so they build their own city. Now they say this is to help in Afghanistan, SAY What when did Afghanistan start looking like Memphis,Cinci,Akron,Indy? Ok sure we believe you!

Ok then you have unemployment on a scale not seen before. Great Depression blah blah. If it wasn't for food stamps and unemployment I think this would make the Depression look like a hard couple years. People jobs have been out sourced and are not coming back! The GOVT numbers are bullshit!

China-Russia are going stop using the dollar. The IMF wants a new currency.Once the dollar is no longer the Money of the World what do you think will happen?

Next we have food. We take food for granted! Stores or restaurants on every corner,right?There are many issues facing our food supply,oil,oil goes up food goes up.Droughts and floods all over the world the last two years. How much food was stock piled by world Govts? Do you REALLY want to count on ant Govt to feed you or your family? Numerous articles recently on corn going,rice going up,all grains actually. Once grains go up so will beef,pork,chicken etc. Monsanto and those outfits want you to eat their Frankenfoods. Sorry I much prefer crops from nature not Dr. MonSTEINS lab!

Rumor has it contrails have been found to have huge amounts of aluminum among other things which are killing off crops,Conveniently however Monsanto has aluminum resistant strains of crops,so no worries there. What aluminum resistant crops.Huh wow that is convenient.

So no worries. Money,food,oil,war,police state. Nah I'm sure you are right we are all just crazy.Really skip that article on the gulf still leaking and go straight to the one on Lindsay Lohan.Or owh heres one Simon Cowell won't watch the new idol!!

Be Prepared!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No where to run,No where to hide.

My buddy Bill at The Elector Retards has a thought provoking post up.Entitled wild hogs,if you didn't read it you should.


The only part I disagree with is the burbs part. Being stuck here in the burbs doesn't mean You or I must die or raid garbage cans. Think of any war there has ever been some hid out and survived. Bill is right on storing food and being able to procure more. You will need food and water no matter where you will be. I have guns for security. Now that being said,I would still make every attempt to harden and camouflage my home or bug out site. If you are standing out there firing a round or two up in the air or ground to warn off the zombies,guess what will happen? More zombies.Sooner or later they will be armed too.

I have said it before and I will say it again,there is as much or more game here in the burbs than in the country,at least here in my area. Open your eyes,look while out and about. Deer,squirrels,rabbits,coons,possums,birds, and don't hate me pet lovers but dogs and cats,fish,turtles,crawdads,frogs,etc. Now some of the smaller game you could burn as much as much calories as you find so trap them or send the kids down to the creek to play if its safe.

I agree that if you can get out of the city you should. A lot us of for various reasons can't or won't.
Wild pigs haven't made there way back to our area yet. Coyotes made a hell of a comeback in fact are pest again in a lot of areas.

So if you are stuck in the city or burbs think stealth and camouflage. Think siege warfare. If you were starving and know Those people had food,how would you get it? Think like those coming at you.Burning them out comes to mind first. Can You be burnt out? Do you have clear fields of vision,can you see them coming? Do you have clear fields of fire? Can you booby trap your area?

This post could go on for ever! But prepare! Store food! Store guns and ammo! Stores seeds and tools! Think!! Do what you must to survive!!

Hell if the poles shift and Texas is under water? Not knocking Bill I wish I lived in between him and Mayberry,be no lack of bbq or shooting matches! But point being, be as prepared as you can be where ever you are then its fate,luck, or Gods will!

Good luck to all!



Monday, January 31, 2011

Real world test.

Well Indy is having one hell of an ice storm. So it looks like we are about to have a real world survival test.I will let ya know how it comes out. As for now bed,tomorrow will suck for maintenance men! At least we are working!

Be Prepared!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

What I've been doing.

Sorry I haven't been posting. Damn time flies don't it? I will be 49 on the 10th of Feb. I was diagnosed with diabetes about ten years ago,luckily through diet and exercise I have it under control. The only real bad part was it pretty well ruined my teeth,made them all loose etc. So at this point in the game,I decided to get them all pulled and get dentures.As it seems as long as I have teeth diabetes will attack them. I didn't want to be the proverbial toothless redneck nor with the way things are going did I know if I could get or afford dental care later, so I bit the bullet. 3 or 4 more weeks and my purty smile will be back and one more SHTF problem solved.

Still prepping more or less as funds allow.I have picked up propane heater and camp stove. I've got wool blankets and green tips coming. I also worked out a deal with one of my sons and got my AK back I.O inc. AK-47 c So its been a painful yet good period.

I hope all of you are well and prepping! Things look crazier by the day.Riots all over the world,Govt saying things are recovering,yet their figures show the bottom is about to fall out!

Be Prepared!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thank you!

To those who have been buying through my Amazon links,I wanted to say Thank You!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Review of the Survivalist Blog.

M.D. Creekmores Survival Blog was one of the first survival blogs I read.Here was this guy who didn't have much money doing what I wanted to do. Living out in the country being as self sufficient as possible on the cheap. And he was making it!

Here we are a few years later,he has upgraded some things a little just as any prepper would. Still showing how to make the prepping dollars stretch.Its still one of the first blogs I recommend to new preppers.

Creekmore has great readers with a tremendous knowledge of prepping. Most preppers are nice folks who are willing to share info saving you the pain of their mistakes.

I liked the fact he wasn't too far out there like some.Nor was he spending a fortune on things I could never afford. Prepping for everyday emergencies made sense. Natural disasters could hit at any time so being prepared made sense. Not having a ton of money myself,his make do attitude struck a cord with me.

The way the economy has been going downhill and all the talk of food shortages looming,prepping makes more sense than ever.

I always scan the comments in the what did you did you do to prep this week. I check it every week. I don't always comment,but do always read. Remember those great readers I mentioned? Well once a week they tell Creekmore and each other what they got done. Trust me you can pick up a lot of great info!

For beginners or long time preppers it still is a good read.About the time you think you thought of everything someone will post a comment making you think now that's a great idea,and off ya go!

Find MD Creekmores Survival Blog Here..



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Still not to worried about food?

Ok lets see if this might motivate you?

Explosive food prices!


Aussie flooding may effect many!


7 reasons for global food shortages.


Folks it took a couple of mins to find these,and we have seen articles like this for a couple of years now. If you are not preparing your family for whats coming,then there is really no more I can say or do. And for those who say you guys are just DOOMERS, it can't happen in America! Check your history books oh crap my bad, Google great depression and dust bowl.

Be Prepared!


Monday, January 17, 2011

A death in our blog family!

The Freeholders Father has passed on. He was a vet and from the sound of it a good man! Stop by and let him know he ain't alone,ok!




Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lack of posts.

I apologize for the lack of post,work has been crazy. I just want to remind everyone food,food,food!There are so many stories about coming food shortages,as early as this spring. Stock up while you can!

Be Prepared!


Friday, January 7, 2011

.22 mag auto.

Have you seen the new Kel-tec .22 mag auto? I like!

Be Prepared!


Thursday, January 6, 2011


If you would check out A.M.




Sunday, January 2, 2011


Sorry I know I have gotten away from the Survival aspect of my blog but Tyranny makes me crazy! Since I have two other blogs I will try to get back on track here. I see a lot of folks are stopping by by and reading anyway.If you want to keep up with the rantings of myself on patriot related topics.


or here.


I don't know whats coming in the near future,I am pretty certain the police state will keep expanding and the economy will keep getting worse. I am not an economist merely a regular guy trying to make sense of it all. Our dollars are worth less each day,more jobs go overseas or just disappear every day. Govt programs continue on everyday. So I really don't see How things can get better economically? All we can do is prepare for whats coming. Now just because the economy as a whole is bad doesn't mean you have to suffer because for now there are resources available to help us prosper.

Gardening,buying used, barter, making things yourself,repairing instead of throwing away,buying in bulk and putting things away for later because as high as prices seem now WE ain't seen nothing yet!

For the real experimental types who like to tinker and wrench on stuff there's bio diesel,
wood gas maybe a other types of fuel for vehicles.

Theres rocket stoves, or at least good air tight ones for wood. Kinda late season but insulating,sealing gaps and cracks are always good.

Once I find my cheap junk land hopefully in a no code area. I'm gonna build with some alternative source possibly cord wood, or now thanks to Muddome possibly earth bags with a lot of mass and with a rocket stove for heat and hot water.

So hopefully I live long enough to see that dream come true!

Skills will possibly be more important than ever in the coming days,skills we once had but have lost in the Technology age.


A couple on earth bag construction if you aren't familiar already.


Muddomes blog. He talks like me (cussing)...


And his MRS. She doesn't talk like us! (no cussing).


What a lucky man to have woman who would not only build like this out in the Canadian boonies but actually help and like it! Lucky man Indeed! So check them for ideas.

Metalcasting,building, two skills may that may be rather helpful! As a slight update our Buddy Dio is not above making stuff on his own the dude has skills for sure. Here he shows low tech but working oven to melt metal. See it can be done on the cheap!


Be Prepared!




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Sneakier Uses For Everyday Things - Cy Tymony

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