“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous 2 our liberties than standing armies. If the American ppl ever allow private banks 2 control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the ppl of all property till their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should b taken from the banks & restored 2 the ppl, 2 whom it prprly belongs."
- T. Jefferson
This site is dedicated to new survivalist and for anyone who can see where our country is headed!


I am not antigoverment, I am anti Badgoverment! chinasyndrome 2009.


Sic Vis Pacem Para bellum

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Sorry I know I have gotten away from the Survival aspect of my blog but Tyranny makes me crazy! Since I have two other blogs I will try to get back on track here. I see a lot of folks are stopping by by and reading anyway.If you want to keep up with the rantings of myself on patriot related topics.


or here.


I don't know whats coming in the near future,I am pretty certain the police state will keep expanding and the economy will keep getting worse. I am not an economist merely a regular guy trying to make sense of it all. Our dollars are worth less each day,more jobs go overseas or just disappear every day. Govt programs continue on everyday. So I really don't see How things can get better economically? All we can do is prepare for whats coming. Now just because the economy as a whole is bad doesn't mean you have to suffer because for now there are resources available to help us prosper.

Gardening,buying used, barter, making things yourself,repairing instead of throwing away,buying in bulk and putting things away for later because as high as prices seem now WE ain't seen nothing yet!

For the real experimental types who like to tinker and wrench on stuff there's bio diesel,
wood gas maybe a other types of fuel for vehicles.

Theres rocket stoves, or at least good air tight ones for wood. Kinda late season but insulating,sealing gaps and cracks are always good.

Once I find my cheap junk land hopefully in a no code area. I'm gonna build with some alternative source possibly cord wood, or now thanks to Muddome possibly earth bags with a lot of mass and with a rocket stove for heat and hot water.

So hopefully I live long enough to see that dream come true!

Skills will possibly be more important than ever in the coming days,skills we once had but have lost in the Technology age.


A couple on earth bag construction if you aren't familiar already.


Muddomes blog. He talks like me (cussing)...


And his MRS. She doesn't talk like us! (no cussing).


What a lucky man to have woman who would not only build like this out in the Canadian boonies but actually help and like it! Lucky man Indeed! So check them for ideas.

Metalcasting,building, two skills may that may be rather helpful! As a slight update our Buddy Dio is not above making stuff on his own the dude has skills for sure. Here he shows low tech but working oven to melt metal. See it can be done on the cheap!


Be Prepared!



  1. Hey China don't worry about it, if anything keeping up on the tyranny is part of the survival aspect, knowledge is power and knowing what the bad guys are up to shapes in some way how we do things. I can sympathize though I have strayed somewhat away from the path I wanted to take with my blog but I try to tie it in anyway, damn ADD, anyway your doing a damn good job China, keep it up Bro...

  2. I guess you really didn't NOTICE you are on AN AMERICAN PREPPER site ran BY AMERICAN PATRIOT ??? NOTHING against INDIA BUT if I need gears I will by from an AMERICAN!!!!!!





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