“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous 2 our liberties than standing armies. If the American ppl ever allow private banks 2 control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the ppl of all property till their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should b taken from the banks & restored 2 the ppl, 2 whom it prprly belongs."
- T. Jefferson
This site is dedicated to new survivalist and for anyone who can see where our country is headed!


I am not antigoverment, I am anti Badgoverment! chinasyndrome 2009.


Sic Vis Pacem Para bellum

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lack of posts.

I apologize for the lack of post,work has been crazy. I just want to remind everyone food,food,food!There are so many stories about coming food shortages,as early as this spring. Stock up while you can!

Be Prepared!



  1. China,

    The wife came home yesterday, she said Kroger was jam packed , elbows and ass holes, she overheard the store manager talking to a clerk, the manager stated he had never seen anything like it, they had been swamped from the time the doors opened.

    Then to top things off, neighbor couple stopped in from their trip to Wally World, they stated employees were all over the store, changing prices on the goods, they said they could not even get up and down the aisles because of all of the employees.

  2. Every time I go to the store lately, I have to fight a crowd! I don't know what's going on, but folks seem scared!

    All food prices seem to be climbing, for sure!

  3. Food food food is what's on my mind as well. I will slip off to the grocery early Monday morning, when the herd is still laying about...

  4. All you have to do is walk arould a store for more than a few seconds and you can see the price of food is going up. I went into Wal-Mart for the first time in weeks to get some bread and just over the two or more weeks I have not been shopping there everything I get has gone up, some things a little and some things a lot. People are starting to see the storm coming and they are scared as hell.

  5. Hey fellas me and one of my sons hit two local gun stores oh my God jammed packed.Food and guns maybe someone has been listening to us. Scary all the same!





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