Pete has post up about Bob's.Bug out bags.
Most of us have hardcore deep woods survival gear.But if you live in the city is that your best choice? Some of it is dual use cooking gear etc.Tent,tarps maybe not as important?Vacant houses for shelter?Abandoned buildings in some city's.I personally live in the burbs,so I can head in either direction.Depending on the scenario that plays out, I may not head for the forest,now that it is the plan of most.
In urban area moving at night-hiding in the day could be a viable strategy.
Unless it was a case of nukes or bio the city will have food for a while.Scavenging could be a way to stay fed.Hopefully you have food put away.However keep in mind urban areas will have gang activity and I am sure they will claim all in their area.
Urban bag-pack might want med sz pair of bolt cutters,pry bar,pair of dykes-sidecuts for fence's.
Not to mention I see more Squirrels and rabbits here in the city than I ever see in the country.Rat traps with peanut butter for squirrels.Air rifles for both.Snares or live traps.Deadfalls.
Most any little stream will have crawdads and frogs.Your hands,nets,traps,frog gig.A friend of mine has proven time and again frogs will take about anything ya swing in front of em.
Raccoons and possum's are everywhere.Possums are ugly little critters but if your starving it's meat.
Sometime back I looked up recipes for unusual foods.You might want to do the same,put (recipe book) in your BOB just in case.
City or Country? Not to steal Michael's line but stay alive,by any means possible.
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5 hours ago
Afternoon China, Bug out locations must be in the air, I also just wrote about an option that is just outside of my location, I have quite a few caves in my county. My article link
In my A.O I'm not aware of any.I do know of an old under pass that is now underground.Lots of rats in it.Scary but might keep me alive.Scot I will check it out Thanks.
Thanks China I am adding a blogroll also, thank you for adding me, How is Indy life, I spent 10yrs there myself and at times i miss it.. Enjoy
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link. Good information that I hadn't thought of before!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate it!
Hey Scot I LOVE Indy most of the time.Hot and Muggier than the blazes right now,but as we always say stick around it will change.No problem Bro.
Thanks for stopping by Jim.Yeah guys like Pete and Scot will keep ya thinkin.Maybe help folks think of some things they might of overlooked.
Thanks china I do think our brain is our best tool in survival and we have to use it.
ReplyDeleteYes Sir,you are totally right.