Ok Brothers and Sister Patriots,the Hoosier Patcom/con starts this FRI if you're coming get directions soon! If you are not coming to ours,go to somebodys! Do something! A couple years from now when your locked in a collective work farm. Or even still living in your home but with talking spy camera's watching every move. Your money redistributed to the point you have none and you get a food voucher from the collective which barely feeds your family.What are you going to say when you and your child are weeding a row of GMO corn,and you're just out of ear shot of your guard (overseer) your kid says Daddy why didn't you guys stop this?
What the Fuck will You tell the child?
Well son we were waiting for someone else to stop them! Ain't nobody but You and Me friend!
Well son we were Afraid because there were so many,and they were so well Armed! Bullshit,there's way more of us than them! The Muj and Cong proved weapons don't decide who wins,determination and intestinal fortitude decides.
Well son this isn't so bad,and the collective knows whats best for us! If this will be your answer do us all a favor Leave the USA now or eat your pistol !!
You are an American,You are the only one who should decide whats best for you and your family. Not a bunch of pathetic Lawmakers and Breakers. As an Example Obama,Reid,and Pelosi just to name 3 Ok so the Commies don't think I am a Repub Bush the one who gave us the Patriot Act as well,ALL should be tried for Treason! No if ands or buts! TREASON !!!
Any Fucking member of the U.S. Govt who Laughs at the Constitution of a Constitutional Republic should be tried or bare minimum kicked out of office ASAP!
Patcom/cons are just a start Americans need to act quickly. These SOBs are selling out to China,letting Russians train on our soil,making it illegal to grow wholesome food,destroying our economy on a level that can only be intentional,making us dependent on foreign junk,dependent on foreign oil,the U.S. credit rating is at an ALL time LOW, yet Obama plays golf,Obama's family goes on one ultra expensive vacation after another while telling us to tighten our belts! Taking our Tax dollars to bail out their Banker buddy's and giving enormous tax refunds to ILLEGAL aliens WELL fuck I want a 13,000 refund too!
Folks I don't care what or how you do it,but for God's sake,Your sake,and Your Children and GrandChildrens sake DO SOMETHING don't wait for SOMEONE. This is YOUR fucking Country!! DO SOMETHING about it! WE are running out of Time!