The shootings are indeed Terrible sad things! I have six Grand kids so this fear is with me as well! However these Talking head Bimbo's who know nothing about guns saying these children were mowed down with Assault weapons are Fucking idiots! The Average AR and Ak sold are semi auto civilian versions,yes they look like the real thing. But they are not full auto or select fire.
I really don't think the talking heads give a diddily shit about the dead children! Let a better story pop up tomorrow there will be nary another word spoken about the Children.
2 days ago I read an article forgive me I can't remember if it was China or Japan but another madman killed 22 students,did he use the dreaded Ar assault rifle ?? Perhaps the infamous AK-47? nope a knife.A fucking knife,one armed person could have stopped these slayings!
The Liberal media is all over this,Oh ban the evil black ASSAULT weapons and our children will be safe again! Bullshit, safe until a madman with a ballpeen hammer,or ballbat,or car or an ice pick. or etc etc etc attacks again.
Sadly I recently placed an order with Cheaper than dirt for 4 pmags for a family member,now if I knew they were going to pussy out on the 2nd Amendment this order would not of been placed,sadly its to late to cancel ,already shipped.
CTD, Dicks sporting goods and any other knee jerk make the lefty's feel good stores Will not get a single dollar of my business!!!! I don't care if they give ammo away FUCK them.
Perhaps the Federal Govt should of thought of this When they closed most mental health institutions and sent mentally ill people out in the streets with no support.No meds No help.No where to turn!
I am not done but I have been up since 2 last night I need sleep! Was sad and terrible? Yes very much so !!! Will banning guns solve it? Of course not! Idiots!! More later. Prayers going out to those who lost children!
Animal Farm Politics: The Deep State Wins Again
“No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The
creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig
to man again...
2 hours ago
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