Dear Harry,i along with millions of other Americans saw your interview. I am what you describe as an Domestic TERRORIST. I work every day,I put in more hours than you could imagine. I don't get to adjourn then go home for a month. I pay taxes,a lot of taxes. Harry are you politicians not paid by taxes? Now you said Cliven Bundy doesn't pay fees,or taxes. The fees are well documented on TV the last few weeks. Hasn't paid taxes? Harry at this point I am afraid I gotta call you a Liar!!!! We all know if his Taxes weren't paid,your Goon squad ( IRS) would have long ago shown up,seized his holdings,evicted the family,and sold the land,buildings,livestock,etc. Liar,this is one of the few things I have ever posted with out researching,why? Because the illegal agency known as the IRS does Not allow Taxes to Not be paid!! I have researched the IRS, ILLEGAL..
Now as far as those who showed up to support MR Bundy, Domestic Terrorist? Right? That is what you called them.Harry those who showed up are regular ole Americans. We work an pay taxes so you can live your life on High looking down your nose at us, and calling us TERRORIST, yet you don't want to Profile real Terrorist because it might hurt there feelings. Harry,it was as you say Domestic TERRORIST who started this Country. If those fine Domestic Terrorist hadn't stood up to a Tyrannical King we would still be English and you would be in a debtors prison because you are way too soft to work. See Harry here's how it is, work hurts,oh yeah , trust me, us working folks come home with sore backs, sore feet,torn up hands,bad knees, shit i could go on for hours. Now I realize your ass probably gets sore from sitting on your Throne. But its really not the same.
By the way Harry,it is ok if I call you Harry? Perhaps your Highness is more to your liking? You are a part of the same Government that just had DHS practice taking out a disgruntled AMERICAN Vet? That posted the flyers on Vets? Sir you and your ilk DISGUST me! I have several friends who are Vets, had several family members who were Vets, I have never met finer people! So they are Sickos out to gun Americans down huh??? Harry I think if you were ever put in a combat situation,you know where bullets,rpg's,etc are coming at you,the Noise,the fear, the sound of your friends be shreded,yeah Harry every now and then one of em can't shake it. Harry i bet in that situation you would shit your pants,then pull your side arm taking your own life because you truly seem like a weasel dicked coward to me. The last several shootings you all keep trumpeting ,WERE not by combat vets!!! I repeat not!!I wouldn't trade one American VET for all the Politico's in Washington ...
Harry, you folks better wake up. WE are America. You work for us. Most of us forgot that. Your side and ours. Sad one has to think of citizens and Govt on sides isn't it!!!! It is because of people like you. Well Harry I gotta go now,Oh sorry you and Rory probably won't be getting your little Chinese solar farm set up,damn i know that woulda been some real cheddar for the Reid bank roll,but shit happens.
To all you Vets out there, I personally APOLOGIZE for the remarks and recent actions by a cowardly and confused bunch. Thank you all for what you have done for us!
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