If you were lucky enough to know the collapse was going to hit tomorrow or the day after,what would you do to prepare for it?Load up on food,buy gold or silver,stock up on ammo,purchase all the seeds you could?
For those of you who don;t scan the news constantly,I can tell you more and more mainstream people are reporting that our economy is not getting better.In fact they are saying that there is no way this deficit laden economy can sustain itself.
The main stream media is doing its best to convince us all is well.They have folks like Warren Buffet and other big names telling us the recovery is under way.I take anything anyone tells me with a grain of salt.I stop and wonder what is there agenda.
Well folks like Buffets agenda is keep you spending.The Government keep you spending,Grocery stores,wal-mart,k-mart,nordstrom's,sears,victoria's secret,Mc Donald's,Ford,G.M yep spend.
So knowing gas is going up,groceries up 6 straight months in a row,health care up,most utility's up.We are in a collapse have been for a while,barring a major calamity,I don't think we are just gonna wake up to a total collapse.I think it is going to keep going just like it has been,taxes up and more of em,gas and groceries,utilities all going to go up.Your wages will not keep pace.
At some point inflation will start up.Secret inflation already has that bag of chips for 3 bucks a year ago was much larger,so it is with much of the things we purchase.
So you do KNOW a collapse is coming,what will you do to prepare for it?
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